Package: ball / 1.4.3~beta1-3~bpo8+1


Package Version Patches format
ball 1.4.3~beta1-3~bpo8+1 3.0 (quilt)

Patch series

view the series file
Patch File delta Description
0001 missingSigned.patch | (download)

include/BALL/DATATYPE/hashGrid.h | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/DATATYPE/hashGrid.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)



fix compilation of BinaryFingerprintMethods_test.patch | (download)

source/TEST/BinaryFingerprintMethods_test.C | 22 11 + 11 - 0 !
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

 [patch] fix compilation of binaryfingerprintmethods_test under gcc
 4.9/clang 3.6

Use boost::unordered_map to disambiguate between std:: and boost::
versions. Hopefully we will be able to rely on std:: in the not to distant

fix string gcc5.patch | (download)

cmake/BALLConfigStdStringFeatures.cmake | 12 12 + 0 - 0 !
cmake/ | 1 1 + 0 - 0 !
include/BALL/DATATYPE/string.h | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
include/BALL/DATATYPE/string.iC | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

 [patch] fix: string failed to compile with newer gcc versions

fix poseClustering with boost 1.60.patch | (download)

include/BALL/DOCKING/COMMON/poseClustering.h | 9 9 + 0 - 0 !
source/DOCKING/COMMON/poseClustering.C | 64 64 + 0 - 0 !
2 files changed, 73 insertions(+)

 [patch] fix building poseclustering with boost versions >= 1.60

A VertexProperty must be Copy Constructible, Assignable, and
Default Constructible. Additionally in newer Boost versions also
Move Constructible and Assignable are required.

nopsboxit.patch | (download)

doc/TUTORIAL/macros.tex | 5 3 + 2 - 0 !
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

 the style psboxit is missing - use fbox as replacement
link_against_x11.patch | (download)

CMakeLists.txt | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

 link against libx11
 Something has changed since Jessie and now we need to explicitely link
 against X11.
findsip.patch | (download)

cmake/FindSIP.cmake | 28 1 + 27 - 0 !
cmake/ | 3 3 + 0 - 0 !
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

 fix sip library detection
 The old algorithm used hard-coded library names and thus could not
 detect our multi-arched name.
 Instead of that, just import sip from Python script and use the
 __file__ property to find the library.
disable assign positions from template.patch | (download)

source/APPLICATIONS/UTILITIES/BALLUtilities.cmake | 1 0 + 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

 drop assign_positions_from_template from build process
fix FingerprintSimilarityClustering.patch | (download)

source/APPLICATIONS/TOOLS/FingerprintSimilarityClustering.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

 explicitly use boost::unordered_map, as both
    using namespace std;
    using namespace boost;
is present.

fix Python bindings for Box.patch | (download)

source/PYTHON/EXTENSIONS/VIEW/box.sip | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

 [patch] fix python bindings for box

increase sleeping time on Socket_test.patch | (download)

source/TEST/Socket_test.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

 [patch] increased sleeping time in socket_test

The test quite often failed in build slaves because startup time was too short.

modify rtti isKindOf to take pointer.patch | (download)

include/BALL/COMMON/rtti.h | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
include/BALL/CONCEPT/composite.h | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
include/BALL/CONCEPT/object.iC | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
include/BALL/KERNEL/predicate.h | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
include/BALL/VIEW/MODELS/standardColorProcessor.h | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/APPLICATIONS/BALLVIEW/demoTutorialDialog.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
source/APPLICATIONS/BALLVIEW/mainframe.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/CONCEPT/client.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/CONCEPT/molecularInformation.C | 20 10 + 10 - 0 !
source/CONCEPT/moleculeObjectCreator.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/FORMAT/MOL2File.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/FORMAT/NMRStarFile.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/PDBAtom.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/atomContainer.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/chain.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/molecule.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/residue.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/secondaryStructure.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/selector.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/KERNEL/standardPredicates.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/MOLMEC/AMBER/GAFFTypeProcessor.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/NMR/EFShiftProcessor.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/NMR/HBondShiftProcessor.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/NMR/anisotropyShiftProcessor.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/NMR/empiricalHSShiftProcessor.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/NMR/haighMallionShiftProcessor.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/NMR/johnsonBoveyShiftProcessor.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/NMR/randomCoilShiftProcessor.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/NMR/shiftModel1D.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/NMR/shiftModel2D.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/PYTHON/EXTENSIONS/BALLPyMacros.h | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/HBondProcessor.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/assignBondOrderProcessor.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/bindingPocketProcessor.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/defaultProcessors.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/disulfidBondProcessor.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/geometricProperties.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/reconstructFragmentProcessor.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/secondaryStructureProcessor.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/sideChainPlacementProcessor.C | 12 6 + 6 - 0 !
source/STRUCTURE/structureMapper.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/AddCartoonModel_test.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/AtomContainer_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Atom_test.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/Bond_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Chain_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Composite_test4.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/Fragment_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Molecule_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/NamedProperty_test.C | 20 10 + 10 - 0 !
source/TEST/NucleicAcid_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Nucleotide_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/PDBAtom_test.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/PersistenceManager_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Protein_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/RTTI_test.C | 52 26 + 26 - 0 !
source/TEST/Residue_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/SecondaryStructure_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/System_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/TextPersistenceManager_test.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/TEST/Vector2_test.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/TEST/XDRPersistenceManager_test.C | 12 6 + 6 - 0 !
source/TUTORIAL/bounding_box.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/atomOverview.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/bondProperties.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/coloringSettingsDialog.C | 52 26 + 26 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/compositeProperties.C | 14 7 + 7 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/displayProperties.C | 12 6 + 6 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/exportGeometryDialog.C | 12 6 + 6 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/labelDialog.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/lightSettings.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/modelSettingsDialog.C | 30 15 + 15 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/modifyRepresentationDialog.C | 14 7 + 7 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/molecularFileDialog.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/DIALOGS/preferences.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/KERNEL/MODES/editMode.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
source/VIEW/KERNEL/mainControl.C | 20 10 + 10 - 0 !
source/VIEW/KERNEL/modularWidget.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/KERNEL/preferencesEntry.C | 58 29 + 29 - 0 !
source/VIEW/KERNEL/representation.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/HBondModel.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/colorProcessor.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/labelModel.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/lineModel.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/standardColorProcessor.C | 34 17 + 17 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/surfaceModel.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/MODELS/vanDerWaalsModel.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/RENDERERS/POVRenderer.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/RENDERERS/XML3DRenderer.C | 8 4 + 4 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/RENDERERS/renderer.C | 28 14 + 14 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/RENDERERS/rtfactRenderer.C | 16 8 + 8 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/RENDERERS/tilingRenderer.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/RENDERING/renderSetup.C | 26 13 + 13 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/datasetControl.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/dockingController.C | 4 2 + 2 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/genericControl.C | 2 1 + 1 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/geometricControl.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/helpViewer.C | 6 3 + 3 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/molecularControl.C | 50 25 + 25 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/molecularStructure.C | 18 9 + 9 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/scene.C | 30 15 + 15 - 0 !
source/VIEW/WIDGETS/testFramework.C | 10 5 + 5 - 0 !
102 files changed, 431 insertions(+), 431 deletions(-)

 [patch] modified rtti function iskindof to take a pointer argument.

On OSX 10.10 and later tests failed because a reference to
a deleted object was handed over to isKindOf. Taking the pointer
of that object led to a segmentation fault.
To prevent passing references to deleted objects, the reference
argument to be checked is replaced by the pointer of that object directly.

fix PoseClustering_Test replace file compare with deserialize.patch | (download)

source/TEST/PoseClustering_test.C | 51 45 + 6 - 0 !
1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

 poseclustering_test: replace file comparision with deserialisation
fix XDRPersistenceManager_test.patch | (download)

source/TEST/XDRPersistenceManager_test.C | 16 15 + 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

 [patch] fix xdrpersistencemanager_test

The test serialised a default constructed Bond, which was subsequently
deserialised. However, this means the Bond was serialised in an invalid
state which could trigger crashes upon deserialisation.

To fix the broken test just add two Atoms to the Bond.

Probably we should also make sure, that no objects in an invalid state
can be serialised...

disable AmberFF_test.patch | (download)

source/TEST/cmake/BALLTestExecutables.cmake | 1 0 + 1 - 0 !
1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

 the amberff_test fails unreproducibly, so we disabled it
temporarily to resolve FTBFS.
The problem is known upstream, see