Installation on Linux/Unix

On Ubuntu, you may simply search for cain in the Software Center application, and then install it. Of course, you can also get the source distribution from sourceforge and follow the instruction below.

For Linux or Unix, use the platform-independent distribution. You will need appropriate versions of Python, wxPython, matplotlib, numpy, and sympy, as well as a C++ compiler. There are platform-specific instructions for installing this software for the following distributions.

I recommend using the current version of GNU GCC. Note that only Python versions 2.4.x through 2.7.x are currently supported. If you do not have the necessary Python packages installed, Cain will show an error message when you attempt to launch the application.

Download the platform-independent distribution and place it in a convenient location. Then uncompress the zip file.
Build the mass action solvers.
cd Cain
Then launch the GUI.
There are example files in the examples directory. You can open a file on startup by specifying the file as a command line argument. For example:
python examples/cain/BirthDeath.xml&

To uninstall Cain, simply delete the Cain directory.