cvs2svn Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker Guidelines

We welcome bug reports and enhancement requests. However, to make the process of prioritizing cvs2svn tasks easier, we ask that you follow a few guidelines. Before filing an issue in the Issue Tracker, please:

What the Fields Mean

When an issue is first filed, it automatically goes in the "---" milestone, meaning it is unscheduled. A developer will examine it and maybe talk to other developers, then estimate the bug's severity, the effort required to fix it, and schedule it in a numbered milestone, for example 1.0. (Or they may put it the future or no milestone milestones, if they consider it tolerable for all currently planned releases.)

An issue filed in future might still get fixed soon, if some committer decides they want it done. Putting it in future merely means we're not planning to block any particular release on that issue.

Severity is represented in the Priority field. Here is how priority numbers map to severity:

Effort Required is sometimes represented in the Status Whiteboard with an "e number", which is the average of the most optimistic and most pessimistic projections for number of engineer/days needed to fix the bug. The e number always comes first, so we can sort on the field, but we include the actual spread after it, so we know when we're dealing with a wide range. For example "e2.5 (2 / 3)" is not quite the same as "e2.5 (1 / 4)"!

Enter the Issue Tracker

And so, with further ado, we give you (drumroll…) the cvs2svn Issue Tracker.