easyzone ======== Overview -------- Easyzone is a package to manage the common record types of a zone file, including SOA records. This module sits on top of the dnspython package and provides a higher level abstraction for common zone file manipulation use cases. Main features: * A high-level abstraction on top of dnspython. * Load a zone file into objects. * Modify/add/delete zone/record objects. * Save back to zone file. * Auto-update serial (if necessary). Requirements ------------ * dnspython - http://www.dnspython.org/ Build/Test/Install ------------------ Build:: $ python setup.py build Test:: $ python setup.py test Install:: $ python setup.py install OR with setuptools:: $ easy_install easyzone Examples -------- easyzone:: >>> from easyzone import easyzone >>> z = easyzone.zone_from_file('example.com', '/var/namedb/example.com') >>> z.domain 'example.com.' >>> z.root.soa.serial 2007012902L >>> z.root.records('NS').items ['ns1.example.com.', 'ns2.example.com.'] >>> z.root.records('MX').items [(10, 'mail.example.com.'), (20, 'mail2.example.com.')] >>> z.names['foo.example.com.'].records('A').items [''] >>> ns = z.root.records('NS') >>> ns.add('ns3.example.com.') >>> ns.items ['ns1.example.com.', 'ns2.example.com.', 'ns3.example.com.'] >>> ns.delete('ns2.example.com') >>> ns.items ['ns1.example.com.', 'ns3.example.com.'] >>> z.save(autoserial=True) ZoneCheck:: >>> from easyzone.zone_check import ZoneCheck >>> c = ZoneCheck() >>> c.isValid('example.com', '/var/named/zones/example.com') True >>> c.isValid('foo.com', '/var/named/zones/example.com') False >>> c.error 'Bad syntax' >>> >>> c = ZoneCheck(checkzone='/usr/sbin/named-checkzone') >>> c.isValid('example.com', '/var/named/zones/example.com') True >>> ZoneReload:: >>> from easyzone.zone_reload import ZoneReload >>> r = ZoneReload() >>> r.reload('example.com') zone reload up-to-date >>> r.reload('foo.com') rndc: 'reload' failed: not found Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "easyzone/zone_reload.py", line 51, in reload raise ZoneReloadError("rndc failed with return code %d" % r) easyzone.zone_reload.ZoneReloadError: rndc failed with return code 1 >>> >>> r = ZoneReload(rndc='/usr/sbin/rndc') >>> r.reload('example.com') zone reload up-to-date >>>