GammaRay uses the CMake buildsystem. Please see the comments at the top of CMakeLists.txt for the available configuration options you can pass to cmake. The installation directory defaults to /usr/local on UNIX c:/Program Files on Windows and /Applications on MacOS. You can change this location by passing the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/install/path to cmake. To build a debug version pass -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to cmake. To build GammaRay you will need *at least*: - CMake 3.0.0 (for non-MSVC) - CMake 3.1.0 (for MSVC) - a C++ compiler with C++11 lambda support - Qt 4.8 or higher Optional FOSS packages (eg. KDSME, etc) provide extra functionality. See the "Optional Dependencies" section below for more details. Building on Unix with gcc or clang: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake .. % make % make install Building on Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio: From a command prompt for the version of MSVC you want to use % mkdir build % cd build % cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" .. % nmake % nmake install Building on Windows with MinGW: Make sure you have the path to the MinGW programs in %PATH% first, for example: % set "PATH=c:\MinGW\mingw64\bin;%PATH%" Now build: % mkdir build % cd build % cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .. % mingw32-make % mingw32-make install Build on Android: $ mkdir android-build $ cd android-build $ export ANDROID_NDK=~/path/to/android-ndk $ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain-android.cmake \ -DGAMMARAY_BUILD_UI=OFF \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/android/qt5/install/path \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/android/qt5/install/path .. $ make [-j CPU_NUMBER+2] $ make install Using GammaRay on Android: - add GammaRay probe to your android .pro file .... android: QT += GammaRayProbe ... - build & deploy and run your project - forward GammaRay's socket $ adb forward tcp:11732 localfilesystem:/data/data/YOUR_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME(e.g. com.kdab.example)/files/+gammaray_socket - run GammaRay GUI and connect to localhost:11732 - after you've finished, remove the forward: $ adb forward --remove tcp:11732 or $ adb forward --remove-all to remove all forwards == Cross-compiling GammaRay == You'll find more information on this in the wiki: == Building with Private Qt Headers (Qt4 only) == To build against private Qt headers (necessary for painter debugging/profiling) you must have a developer build version of Qt available (i.e. Qt must be configured using the -developer-build option). Make sure the qmake found first in your execute comes from this build version. For example, if your Qt build is in /data/Qt/4.8 then: % export PATH=/data/Qt/4.8/bin:$PATH # on Linux using bash == Force a Qt4 build == On systems with both Qt4 and Qt5 available, the CMake buildsystem will always attempt to use Qt5. To force a Qt build, pass -DGAMMARAY_ENFORCE_QT4_BUILD=true to CMake, as in: % cmake -DGAMMARAY_ENFORCE_QT4_BUILD=true == Force a probe only build == If you already built GammaRay in the past and that you want to support more probes, you don't need to rebuild entirely GammaRay for this specific Qt version. You can instead just build the GammaRay probe for the new Qt version and install it in you previous GammaRay installation. You can make probe only builds that way: % cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/Qt/version/ \ -DGAMMARAY_PROBE_ONLY_BUILD=true \ -DGAMMARAY_BUILD_UI=false \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/your/previous/gammaray/prefix \ /path/to/gammaray/sources You can still use any cmake flags you want like CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_ etc. == Optional Dependencies == GammaRay relies on optional (FOSS) dependencies to help provide some of its functionality, most prominently KDSME ( When you run cmake it will inform you about these missing dependencies. You can also force CMake to ignore any or all of the optional dependencies by passing the option -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_=True. For instance: # tell cmake to ignore VTK % cmake -DCMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_VTK=True == RPATH Settings (Linux only) == By default GammaRay will be build with RPATHs set to the absolute install location of its dependencies (such as Qt). This is useful for easily using a self-built GammaRay, but it might not be what you want when building installers or packages. You can therefore change this via the following CMake options: - CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH=OFF will disable settings RPATH to the location of dependencies. It will however still set relative RPATHs between the various GammaRay components. This is typically desired for Linux distros, where GammaRay's dependencies are all in the default search path anyway. - CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH= will add the specified absolute paths to RPATH, additionally to the relative RPATHs between GammaRay's components. == Warning! (Qt <= 5.4 only) == If your Qt is linked with the "-Bsymbolic-function" option preloading will be broken. When this is enabled, references to global functions will be bound to the shared object internally; therefore, the definition of the function will be fixed and cannot be overwritten by preloading. So, be sure that your distro-provided packages or your self-compiled packages are not linked with this flag (check with `echo $LDFLAGS` before compiling). For more info see: "man ld; search for "-Bsymbolic-function". Known affected distros: Ubuntu 10.10, 11.04 If you are affected by this, try the gdb injector instead by using the "-i gdb" command line argument.