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4. Shortcuts

Most menu action have one or more associated shortcut. The default shortcut is listed in the corresponding menu item. However there are additional shortcut that are listed below:

Main shortcut
Alternative Meaning
R Resets the display (default zoom, maximises window)
m Maximizes the window
r Redraws the image (at the current zoom and pan)
alt+c c Closes the current image
alt+shift+c Apply the default colourmap
alt+d deletes the last entered group or point
alt+shift+d delete all the points and groups
alt+e e Selects the Edit submenu
alt+f f Selects the File submenu
control+g Toggle the add point mode
alt+shift+g Turns the debugging messages on
alt+h h Selects the Help submenu
alt+i i Selects the Image submenu
alt+k k or <spacebar> Displays the next image in the list
alt+shift+k Keeps the points when switching images
alt+l i or Shift-<spacebar> Displays the previous image in the list
alt+n n Returns to the default zoom factor
alt+o o Opens a new image
alt+p Opens a new point file
alt+shift+p p saves the point file
control+p append to a pointfile
control+shift+p Prints the image
alt+q q, Esc Quits the application
alt+z To enter the current zoom factor by hand
alt+shift+z To enter the default zoom factor by hand
alt+. . Zooms in by 10%
alt+, , Zooms out by 10%
alt+' Declare the present zoom factor as the default
alt+> > Zooms in by 100%
alt+< < Zooms out by 100%
alt+[ Insert, [ Displays the next image plane (3D)
alt+] Delete, ] Displays the previous image plane (3D)
alt+| Allows the user to select an image plane manually
alt+{ Home Go to the next image sample
alt+÷ End Go to the previous image sample
alt+\ Selects the sample by hand
PageUp Displays the next frame
PageDown Displays the previous frame
? Displays the quick online help
alt+? Invoke netscape on the HTML version of this document
... ... to be completed ...
Principal shortcuts

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