v1.2.1 * Fixed bug 873251: Message string doesn't appear on error. v1.2.0 * Changed build to reflect new version. * Request 771008: Added monitors to MultiThreadedTestRunner, which simplifies tests such as the datastruct package's SyncQueueUTest. * Fixed bug 771000: MTTR does not kill wild threads. * Fixed bug 771001: MTTR creates non-daemon threads. * Task 77156: completed documentation. * Added logging to the TestRunnable to allow for better tracing of started/stopped threads. v1.1.0 * Added SysPropertiesUtil to aid in testing classes that depend upon system properties being set or unset. * Corrected minor documentation errors. * Moved license from LGPL to MIT. v1.0.0 * Changed build to reflect new version. * Refactored the interface test suite to be a bit easier to implement, and to use factories instead of set objects. Also, interface tests do not *have* to extend InterfaceTestCase now, but it helps. * Changed APIs to be JDK 1.1 compatible. Some tests still require at least JDK 1.3, due to the usage of EasyMock. * Added a Bash/Borne-shell script for the make (only tested on bash). * Added xml-apis.jar for the Xalan support on pre-JDK 1.4 systems. * Separated out the packages, and moved them into a single CVS project, to allow for a simpler piecemeal class inclusion mechanism. * Added itegration unit tests to test a complex class hierarchy setup. Donated to public domain for use as code samples for the interface testing extentions to JUnit. * Moved the 'SoftAssert' class to the 'AssertTestFactory', and refactored the 'IntegrationTestCase' into the 'SubTestTestCase' and 'IntegrationTestCase' for better support of legacy JUnit test listeners. * Added ICxFactory to allow InterfaceTestCases the ability to tear down constructed objects. * Added CxFactory for easy naming of factories for improved traceability. * Refactored the way TestCaseParser works such that it is more pluggable. v0.9.2: * Correction on 0.9.1 changelist: Xalan version is actually 2.3.1 * Added package bugrepository to interface with junitlog package for bug traceability and report generation. * Fixed bug #526454. * Fixed bug #526478. * Fixed bug #526497. * Fixed bug #526511. * Corrected minor JavaDoc tag problems. * Fixed bug #526636. * Fixed bug #526710. * Expanded the documentation. * Added TimedProcess to utils. * StepTracker now calls TimedProcess when enabling events. This allows for preventing the hang-up that seems to occur at the end of a long coverage run. * Added new tests to ui capture. * Started redesign efforts for auto-documentation. This will be moved into its own project within GroboUtils to allow for JDK 1.2+ support. This will be moved out of GroboTesting as of v0.9.3. v0.9.1: * Moved from Xalan-J 2.2-D14 to release 2.2 * Added Ant testing framework * Migrated JUnit package from GroboUtils * Migrated ThreadSafety package from Groboutils (was under junit\jndi) * Added CodeCoverage package * Added RemoteAnt package * Created a more robust documentation structure. * Added dependency on the Jakarta BCEL library. * Added jdi package to contain multi-package dependencies on progamatic control over the JDI. * Moved files into new source structure, to break apart tests from code. * Added JUnit logging facility to help with self-documenting tests creating documents. * Added JUnit InterfaceTest extentions for testing Interfaces. * Moved MultiThreadedTestCase to MultiThreadedTestRunner in order to follow a better JUnit extention pattern (utility instance vs. TestCase subclassing). v0.9.0: * Initial release. * Only included alpha version of UICoverage.