== 1.4.0, 2012-09-30 Updated to Unicode 6.2.0. * UnicodeUtils.debug accepts single Integer code point New methods in UnicodeUtils: * white_space_char? All tests pass with jruby-1.7.0.RC1. Not all tests pass with MRI 1.9.3p194 due to unexptected behaviour of String#<< with UTF-16 strings. As long as you use only UTF-8, there's no problem. == 1.3.0, 2012-03-07 Updated to Unicode 6.1.0. New methods in UnicodeUtils: * code_point_type * name_aliases * sid (string identifier) New constants in UnicodeUtils: * UNICODE_VERSION == 1.2.2, 2011-11-27 New methods in UnicodeUtils: * east_asian_width * display_width * default_ignorable_char_q * gc * graphic_char_q * general_category * char_type * char_display_width * debug == 1.1.2, 2011-11-18 Updated to Unicode 6.0.0. No additions to API. == 1.0.0, 2009-01-30 First release, conforms to Unicode 5.1.0.