Rule: -- Sid: 2416 -- Summary: This event is generated when activity relating to spurious ftp traffic is detected on the network. -- Impact: Varies from information gathering to a serious compromise of an ftp server. -- Detailed Information: FTP is used to transfer files between hosts. This event is indicative of spurious activity in FTP traffic between hosts. The event may be the result of a transfer of a known protected file or it could be an attempt to compromise the FTP server by overflowing a buffer in the FTP daemon or service. -- Attack Scenarios: A user may transfer sensitive company information to an external party using FTP. An attacker might utilize a vulnerability in an FTP daemon to gain access to a host, then upload a Trojan Horse program to gain control of that host. -- Ease of Attack: Simple. -- False Positives: None Known -- False Negatives: None Known -- Corrective Action: Disallow access to FTP resources from hosts external to the protected network. Use secure shell (ssh) to transfer files as a replacement for FTP. -- Contributors: Sourcefire Research Team Brian Caswell Nigel Houghton -- Additional References: --