Rule: -- Sid: 335 -- Summary: This event is generated when an attempt to copy a specific file to an FTP server is made. -- Impact: Serious. An attacker might gain the ability to remotely connect to a server via r-commands without using a password. -- Detailed Information: This event is generated when an attempt to copy an ".rhosts" file to a server. An ".rhosts" file is used to configure remote access via r-commands (rlogin, rsh, rcp, rexec). Specifically, the file might contain IP addresses (hostnames) or usernames that are allowed to connect to a server in the following format: "hostname [username]", where either can be a "+" character, indicating all hostnames or usernames. The file might also contain a string "+ +" that indicates that everybody from any IP address is allowed to connect to server without using a password. The file is located in user's home directory. -- Attack Scenarios: An attacker uploads a ".hosts" file with "+ +" in it in the user's directory on the machine. He is then able to connect to a host via an "rlogin" command without entering a password, resulting in a shell session. If this is done in roots home driectory the attacker will have control of the victim host. -- Ease of Attack: The attack requires an access to any user's home directory via FTP. This means that anonymous FTP access cannot be used for such an attack and a valid username and password is required. Additionally, the ability to upload files via FTP is required for a successful attack. -- False Positives: If the string ".rhosts" is contained within the filename that is being uploaded to a server or within other FTP client responses, the rule will generate an event. -- False Negatives: None Known -- Corrective Action: Locate the uploaded ".rhosts" file and check it for signs of suspicious entries. Check the server logs for other suspicious events that might have occurred within the same FTP session Disallow uploading of files via FTP and use Secure Shell (SSH) for transferring files by users. Disallow the use of r-commands for file transfer and login procedures. -- Contributors: Original rule writer Max Vision Snort documentation contributed by Anton Chuvakin Sourcefire Research Team Nigel Houghton -- Additional References: Arachnids: --