To compile xsane on WIN32/CYGWIN - install cygwin with several packages like gcc... donĀ“t ask me what packages exactly are needed, I simply installed the complete thing. - install gtk+-2.2.x with all necessary libraries: - atk - glib - gmodules - gobject - gthread - gdk - gdk-pixbuf - pango, pangowin32 - install libiconv-1.8-w32-1 (or may be newer) - mkdir c:/sane - mkdir c:/sane/bin - mkdir c:/sane/etc - cp /bin/cygwin-1.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygiconv-2.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygintl-2.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygjpeg-62.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygjpeg6b.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygpng2.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygpng10.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygpng12.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygtiff4.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/cygz.dll c:/sane/bin - cp /bin/libintl-1.dll c:/sane/bin - cp -a /etc/pango c:/sane/etc/ - cp -a /etc/gtk-2.0 c:/sane/etc/ May be with different source path: - cp /libiconv-1.8-w32-1/iconv.dll c:/sane/bin - compile and install sane backends-1.0.15 or later - ./configure --prefix=c:/sane - make - make install - compile and install xsane: - export SANE_CONFIG=c:/sane/bin/sane-config - ./configure --prefix=c:/sane - edit src/Makefile and replace -DLOCALEDIR=$(datadir)/locale by -DLOCALEDIR=/cygdrive/c/sane/share/locale comment: some libraries and programs need the directories as c:\..., some libraries work with c:\... and /cygdrive/c/..., libintl only works with /cygdrive/c/... - cp po/UTF8/* po (may be this is not necessary any more) - make - make install - setup sane: - edit c:/sane/etc/sane.d/dll.conf and make sure the backend you want to use is enabled - edit c:/sane/etc/sane.d/net.conf and enter the IP address or the NetBEUI name of the server where the scanner is connected - edit c:/sane/etc/sane.d/"backendname".conf to configure the backend "backendname"