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# file: UseGetOpt-2
# UseGetOpt-2.sh parameter-completion
_UseGetOpt-2 () # By convention, the function name
{ #+ starts with an underscore.
local cur
# Pointer to current completion word.
# By convention, it's named "cur" but this isn't strictly necessary.
COMPREPLY=() # Array variable storing the possible completions.
case "$cur" in
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-a -d -f -l -t -h --aoption --debug \
--file --log --test --help --' -- $cur ) );;
# Generate the completion matches and load them into $COMPREPLY array.
# xx) May add more cases here.
# yy)
# zz)
return 0
complete -F _UseGetOpt-2 -o filenames ./UseGetOpt-2.sh
# ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Invokes the function _UseGetOpt-2.