File: README.ppc

package info (click to toggle)
bigloo 1.9c-2
  • links: PTS
  • area: non-free
  • in suites: hamm, slink
  • size: 24,548 kB
  • ctags: 65,703
  • sloc: ansic: 598,613; lisp: 51,650; makefile: 2,984; sh: 1,686; cpp: 565; asm: 427
file content (4 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 287 bytes parent folder | download
The release 1.9c had been tested on a Mac running PPC. Depending on the PPC 
release a modification must be done to the collector code. In the file 
gc-boehm/os_dep.c you may have to rename the variable _environ to environ 
(just remove the underscore) in the function GC_init_linuxpcc.