File: lintian.overrides

package info (click to toggle)
ccontrol 0.9.1%2B20060806-2
  • links: PTS
  • area: main
  • in suites: etch, etch-m68k
  • size: 440 kB
  • ctags: 188
  • sloc: ansic: 1,478; sh: 302; makefile: 142; python: 141; xml: 64
file content (3 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 198 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (2)
# ccontrol aims to be very small and fast, so it statically compiles
# dietlibc into the binary, making it smaller than a shared binary.
ccontrol binary: statically-linked-binary ./usr/bin/ccontrol