File: nsis_zconf.h

package info (click to toggle)
clamav 0.98.7%2Bdfsg-0%2Bdeb6u2
  • links: PTS, VCS
  • area: main
  • in suites: squeeze-lts
  • size: 60,204 kB
  • ctags: 49,129
  • sloc: cpp: 267,090; ansic: 152,211; sh: 35,196; python: 2,630; makefile: 2,220; perl: 1,690; pascal: 1,218; lisp: 184; csh: 117; xml: 38; asm: 32; exp: 4
file content (2 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 74 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (18)
/* Avoid symbol collisions, just use the real thing */
#include <zconf.h>