File: ecere-samples.lintian-overrides

package info (click to toggle)
ecere-sdk 0.44.10-1
  • links: PTS
  • area: main
  • in suites: jessie, jessie-kfreebsd
  • size: 93,288 kB
  • ctags: 47,744
  • sloc: ansic: 533,418; makefile: 14,119; yacc: 4,948; lex: 706; objc: 259; python: 252; xml: 95
file content (4 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 303 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (2)
# A sample usage for the LicensesDialog provided in ecere-extras
# is provided in this package, with a sample license resource which is displayed
# in addition to the licenses in the base LicensesDialog class
ecere-samples binary: extra-license-file usr/share/ecere/samples/misc/licensing/myapp.LICENSE