File: .template

package info (click to toggle)
eclipse-linuxtools 8.1.0%2Bdfsg.1-1
  • links: PTS, VCS
  • area: main
  • in suites: bookworm, bullseye, sid, trixie
  • size: 42,888 kB
  • sloc: java: 149,148; xml: 22,186; ansic: 15,426; cpp: 326; makefile: 42; javascript: 29; sh: 19; python: 10
file content (4 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 916 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (20)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <p/><p><b>Tips on working with this plug-in project</b></p><li>For the view of the new plug-in at a glance, go to the <img href="pageImage"/><a href="OverviewPage">Overview</a>.</li><li>You can test the contributions of this plug-in by launching another instance of the workbench. On the <b>Run</b> menu, click <b>Run As</b> and choose <img href="runTimeWorkbenchImage"/><a href="">Run-time Workbench</a> from the available choices.</li><li>You can add more functionality to this plug-in by adding extensions using the <a href="action.newExtension">New Extension Wizard</a>.</li><li>The plug-in project contains Java code that you can debug. Place breakpoints in Java classes. On the <b>Run</b> menu, select <b>Debug As</b> and choose <img href="runTimeWorkbenchImage"/><a href="action.debug">Run-time Workbench</a> from the available choices.</li>