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How to set up a gatekeeper with a GRAM job manager
The following commands should be executed as root unless otherwise
Enabling a service configuration
The gatekeeper service needs to have a GRAM job manager configured
that runs the tasks that the gatekeeper accepts. In order to configure
a job manager first install configuration package corresponding to
your local resource management system (LRMS). For a small test setup
without an LRMS use a "fork" service. The following configuration
packages exists to choose from:
- globus-gram-job-manager-condor
- globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-poll
- globus-gram-job-manager-fork-setup-seg
- globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-setup-poll
- globus-gram-job-manager-lsf-setup-seg
- globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-poll
- globus-gram-job-manager-pbs-setup-seg
- globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-poll
- globus-gram-job-manager-sge-setup-seg
- globus-gram-job-manager-slurm
For many LRMSs you have a choice between a setup the keeps track of
the state of the submitted jobs by polling the LRMS's queuing system,
or a setup that uses the Globus Scheduler Event Generator service.
After installing one of the packages above, enable the service you
want to use by running
globus-gatekeeper-admin -e <type> [-n <name>]
where <type> is the type of service you want to run, and the optional
<name> is an name under which the service will be available.
The list of available service types depends on what configuration
packages you have installed and can be found by listing the
/etc/grid-services/available directory. If the name option is omitted
the name will be the same as the type.
You can run more than one service in the same gatekeeper as long they
have different names. If you want to have a default service configured
this service should have the name "jobmanager".
If you use one of the setups that uses the Globus Scheduler Event
Generator services you must also activate this service.
globus-scheduler-event-generator-admin -e <type>
Where <type> is the LRMS type for which events should be tracked. The
list of available LRMS types depends on what configuration packages
you have installed and can be found by listing the
/etc/globus/scheduler-event-generator/available/ directory.
Starting the service
Before starting the service make sure you have a host certificate and
key installed in the right locations and with the right permissions.
- /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
- /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem
When the configuration is completed enable the service by changing
RUN=no to RUN=yes in /etc/default/globus-gatekeeper.
To start the service, run
/etc/init.d/globus-gatekeeper start
Testing the service
Athentication test against the new gatekeeper - as a non-root user
with a valid user proxy, run
globusrun -a -r <resource-contact>
where <resource-contact> is the service's contact string. See "man
globusrun" for details.