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libmbassador-java (1.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Ignore junit:junit artifact then we don't have to build-depend on it and
avoid a FTBFS. The tests are disabled anyway. (Closes: #975229)
* Switch to debhelper-compat = 13.
* Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.5.1.
-- Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> Mon, 23 Nov 2020 23:14:14 +0100
libmbassador-java (1.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Initial release. (Closes: #905904)
-- Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> Sat, 11 Aug 2018 22:44:01 +0200