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Source: libpdf-api2-perl
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: gregor herrmann <gregoa@debian.org>,
Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy@debian.org>,
Damyan Ivanov <dmn@debian.org>
Section: perl
Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
Build-Depends-Indep: perl,
Standards-Version: 3.9.8
Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-api2-perl.git
Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-perl/packages/libpdf-api2-perl.git
Homepage: http://pdfapi2.sourceforge.net/
Package: libpdf-api2-perl
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
Description: module for creating or modifying PDF documents in Perl
PDF::API2 started as a nice API around the Text::PDF modules created by
Martin Hosken.
- Works with more than one PDF file open at once
- It presents a object-oriented API to the user
- Supports the 14 base PDF Core Fonts
- Supports TrueType/OpenType fonts with both TT and CFF Outlines
- Supports Adobe-Type1 Fonts (pfb/pfa/afm)
- Supports native Embedding of bitmap images (jpeg,ppm,png)
- Supports modification of existing pdfs and import/cloning of pages
- Lite version of the API for first-timers