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Source: libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl
Maintainer: Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Dima Kogan <dima@secretsauce.net>
Section: perl
Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
libalien-gnuplot-perl (>= 1.031),
pdl (>= 1:2.016),
Standards-Version: 4.1.5
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl.git
Homepage: https://metacpan.org/release/PDL-Graphics-Gnuplot
Package: libpdl-graphics-gnuplot-perl
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
libalien-gnuplot-perl (>= 1.031),
Description: gnuplot-based plotting backend for PDL
PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot allows PDL data to be plotted using Gnuplot as a backend
for 2D and 3D plotting and image display.
It is not necessary to understand the gnuplot syntax to generate basic, or
even complex, plots - though the full syntax is available for advanced users
who want the full flexibility of the Gnuplot backend.
Gnuplot recognizes both hard-copy and interactive plotting devices, and on
interactive devices (like X11) it is possible to pan, scale, and rotate both
2-D and 3-D plots interactively. You can also enter graphical data through
mouse clicks on the device window.