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TAP::Formatter::HTML - TAP Test Harness output delegate for html output
## command-line usage (alpha):
prove -m -Q -P HTML=outfile:out.html,css_uri:style.css,js_uri:foo.js,force_inline_css:0
# backwards compat usage:
prove -m -Q --formatter=TAP::Formatter::HTML >output.html
# for more detail:
perldoc App::Prove::Plugin::HTML
## perl usage:
use TAP::Harness;
my @tests = glob( 't/*.t' );
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ formatter_class => 'TAP::Formatter::HTML',
merge => 1 });
$harness->runtests( @tests );
# prints HTML to STDOUT by default
# or if you really don't want STDERR merged in:
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ formatter_class => 'TAP::Formatter::HTML' });
# to use a custom formatter:
my $fmt = TAP::Formatter::HTML->new;
$fmt->css_uris([])->inline_css( $my_css )
->js_uris(['http://mysite.com/jquery.js', 'http://mysite.com/custom.js'])
->inline_js( '$(div.summary).hide()' );
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ formatter => $fmt, merge => 1 });
# to output HTML to a file[handle]:
$fmt->output_fh( $fh );
$fmt->output_file( '/tmp/foo.html' );
# you can use your own customized templates too:
->template_processor( Template->new )
This module provides HTML output formatting for TAP::Harness (a
replacement for Test::Harness. It is largely based on ideas from
TAP::Test::HTMLMatrix (which was built on Test::Harness and thus had a
few limitations - hence this module). For sample output, see:
This module is targeted at all users of automated test suites. It's
meant to make reading test results easier, giving you a visual summary
of your test suite and letting you drill down into individual failures
(which will hopefully make testing more likely to happen at your
organization ;-).
The design goals are:
* *easy to use*
Once you've got your test report, it should be obvious how to use
* *helpful*
It should be helpful by pointing out *where* & *why* your test suite
is breaking. If you've written your tests well, it should give you
enough info to start tracking down the issue.
* *easy to install*
Eg: should be a clean install from CPAN, and you shouldn't need to
modify your existing test suite to get up & running, though *you
will need to stop using Test::Harness unfortunately*.
* *work out of the box*
You shouldn't need to do any custom-coding to get it working - the
default configuration & templates should be enough to get started
with. Once installed it should be a matter of running:
% prove -m -Q --formatter=TAP::Formatter::HTML >output.html
From your project's home dir, and opening the resulting file.
* *easy to configure*
You should be able to configure & customize it to suit your needs.
As such, css, javascript and templates are all configurable.
my $fmt = $class->new({ %args });
All chaining accessors:
$fmt->verbosity( [ $v ] )
Verbosity level, as defined in "new" in TAP::Harness:
1 verbose Print individual test results (and more) to STDOUT.
0 normal
-1 quiet Suppress some test output (eg: test failures).
-2 really quiet Suppress everything to STDOUT but the HTML report.
-3 silent Suppress all output to STDOUT, including the HTML report.
Note that the report is also available via "html". You can also provide
a custom "output_fh" (aka "output_file") that will be used instead of
"stdout", even if *silent* is on.
$fmt->stdout( [ \*FH ] );
An IO::Handle filehandle for catching standard output. Defaults to
$fmt->output_fh( [ \*FH ] );
An IO::Handle filehandle for printing the HTML report to. Defaults to
the same object as "stdout".
Note: If "verbosity" is set to "silent", printing to "output_fh" will
still occur. (that is, assuming you've opened a different file, not
$fmt->output_file( $file_name )
Not strictly an accessor - this is a shortcut for setting "output_fh",
equivalent to:
$fmt->output_fh( IO::File->new( $file_name, 'w' ) );
You can set this with the "TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_OUTFILE=/path/to/file"
environment variable
$fmt->escape_output( [ $boolean ] );
If set, all output to "stdout" is escaped. This is probably only useful
if you're testing the formatter. Defaults to 0.
$fmt->html( [ \$html ] );
This is a reference to the scalar containing the html generated on the
last test run. Useful if you have "verbosity" set to "silent", and have
not provided a custom "output_fh" to write the report to.
$fmt->tests( [ \@test_files ] )
A list of test files we're running, set by TAP::Parser.
$fmt->session_class( [ $class ] )
Class to use for TAP::Parser test sessions. You probably won't need to
use this unless you're hacking or sub-classing the formatter. Defaults
to TAP::Formatter::HTML::Session.
$fmt->sessions( [ \@sessions ] )
Test sessions added by TAP::Parser. You probably won't need to use this
unless you're hacking or sub-classing the formatter.
$fmt->template_processor( [ $processor ] )
The template processor to use. Defaults to a TT2 Template processor with
the following config:
COMPILE_DIR => catdir( tempdir(), 'TAP-Formatter-HTML' ),
COMPILE_EXT => '.ttc',
INCLUDE_PATH => parent directory TAP::Formatter::HTML was loaded from
Note: INCLUDE_PATH used to be set to: "join(':', @INC)" but this was
causing issues on systems with > 64 dirs in @INC. See RT #74364 for
$fmt->template( [ $file_name ] )
The template file to load. Defaults to
You can set this with the "TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_TEMPLATE=/path/to.tt"
environment variable.
$fmt->css_uris( [ \@uris ] )
A list of URIs (or strings) to include as external stylesheets in
<style> tags in the head of the document. Defaults to:
You can set this with the
"TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_CSS_URIS=/path/to.css:/another/path.css" environment
If you're using Win32, please see "WIN32 URIS".
$fmt->js_uris( [ \@uris ] )
A list of URIs (or strings) to include as external stylesheets in
<script> tags in the head of the document. Defaults to:
You can set this with the
"TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_JS_URIS=/path/to.js:/another/path.js" environment
If you're using Win32, please see "WIN32 URIS".
$fmt->inline_css( [ $css ] )
If set, the formatter will include the CSS code in a <style> tag in the
head of the document.
$fmt->inline_js( [ $javascript ] )
If set, the formatter will include the JavaScript code in a <script> tag
in the head of the document.
$fmt->minify( [ $boolean ] )
If set, the formatter will attempt to reduce the size of the generated
report, they can get pretty big if you're not careful! Defaults to 1
Note: This currently just means... *remove tabs at start of a line*. It
may be extended in the future.
$fmt->abs_file_paths( [ $ boolean ] )
If set, the formatter will attempt to convert any relative *file* JS &
css URI's listed in "css_uris" & "js_uris" to absolute paths. This is
handy if you'll be sending moving the HTML output around on your
harddisk, (but not so handy if you move it to another machine - see
"force_inline_css"). Defaults to *1*.
$fmt->force_inline_css( [ $boolean ] )
If set, the formatter will attempt to slurp in any *file* css URI's
listed in "css_uris", and append them to "inline_css". This is handy if
you'll be sending the output around - that way you don't have to send a
CSS file too. Defaults to *1*.
You can set this with the "TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_FORCE_INLINE_CSS=0|1"
environment variable.
force_inline_js( [ $boolean ] )
If set, the formatter will attempt to slurp in any *file* javascript
URI's listed in "js_uris", and append them to "inline_js". This is handy
if you'll be sending the output around - that way you don't have to send
javascript files too.
Note that including jquery inline doesn't work with some browsers,
haven't investigated why. Defaults to *0*.
You can set this with the "TAP_FORMATTER_HTML_FORCE_INLINE_JS=0|1"
environment variable.
This method is for "TAP::Harness" API compatibility only. It does
$html = $fmt->summary( $aggregator )
"summary" produces a summary report after all tests are run. $aggregator
should be a TAP::Parser::Aggregator.
This calls:
$fmt->template_processor->process( $params )
Where $params is a data structure containing:
report => %test_report
js_uris => @js_uris
css_uris => @js_uris
inline_js => $inline_js
inline_css => $inline_css
formatter => %formatter_info
The "report" is the most complicated data structure, and will sooner or
later be documented in "CUSTOMIZING".
This section is not yet written. Please look through the code if you
want to customize the templates, or sub-class.
You can use environment variables to customize the behaviour of TFH:
This should save you from having to write custom code for simple cases.
This module tries to do the right thing when fed Win32 File *paths* as
File URIs to both "css_uris" and "js_uris", eg:
While I could lecture you what a valid file URI is and point you at:
Which basically says the above are invalid URIs, and you should use:
# ie: no backslashes
I also realize it's convenient to chuck in a Win32 file path, as you can
on Unix. So if you're running under Win32, "TAP::Formatter::HTML" will
look for a signature 'X:\', '\' or 'file:' at the start of each URI to
see if you are referring to a file or another type of URI.
Note that you must use '"file:///C:\blah"' with *3 slashes* otherwise
'"C:"' will become your *host*, which is probably not what you want. See
URI::file for more details.
I realize this is a pretty basic algorithm, but it should handle most
cases. If it doesn't work for you, you can always construct a valid File
URI instead.
Please use http://rt.cpan.org to report any issues. Patches are welcome.
Use github:
Steve Purkis <spurkis@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Steve Purkis <spurkis@cpan.org>, S Purkis
Consulting Ltd. All rights reserved.
This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.
Examples in the "examples" directory and here:
prove - TAP::Harness's new cmdline utility. It's great, use it!
App::Prove::Plugin::HTML - the prove interface for this module.
Test::TAP::HTMLMatrix - the inspiration for this module. Many good ideas
were borrowed from it.
TAP::Formatter::Console - the default TAP formatter used by TAP::Harness