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This package supersedes the xmame-* packages, as the unix sdl port of Mame
has been integrated in official mame since 0.136.
See http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?p=519 for info.
1. Create a folder "mame" and a subfolder "mame/roms" in your home directory.
2. Download the freely available rom World Rally from http://gaelco.com
and put the wrally.zip file in the "roms" folder.
3. Check now the sanity of your roms. Mame is very picky about that.
mame -verifyroms
wrally : tibpal20l8-25cnt.b23 (260 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
wrally : gal16v8-25lnc.h21 (260 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
wrally : tibpal20l8-25cnt.h15 (260 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset wrally is best available
mac2bios: macs2os_l.bin (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
mac2bios: macs2os_h.bin (524288 bytes) - NOT FOUND - NO GOOD DUMP KNOWN
romset mac2bios is best available
2 romsets found, 2 were OK.
You can safely ignore the mac2bios warning.
4. Now start Mame with the command "mame" from the shell
or from your desktop applications menu.
5. Basic keyboard commands include
* 5 key to insert a coin
* 1 key to start the game
* Tab key to access the mame internal menu
6. If mame is way too slow on your computer and you have 3D hardware
acceleration available, change the "video" parameter from "soft" to "opengl"
in the Mame configuration file.
* MAME binary: {{{/usr/games/mame}}}
* MAME tools directory: {{{/usr/bin}}} (chdman, ldresample, ...)
* Configuration file: {{{$HOME/.mame/mame.ini}}} or {{{/etc/mame/mame.ini}}}
* Output folders: {{{$HOME/.mame}}} (memory cards, snapshots, ...)
* Core folders: {{{/usr/share/games/mame}}} (roms, cheats, ...)
A default configuration file is provided with the package and installed
in {{{/etc/mame/mame.ini}}}
If you need to change the location of the roms folder or tweak something like
video or cheats you can either:
* make your own copy of {{{/etc/mame/mame.ini}}} in {{{$HOME/.mame/mame.ini}}} and edit that file (recommended)
* edit directly {{{/etc/mame/mame.ini}}}
You can verify that MAME has read the correct options with "{{{mame -showconfig}}}"
and even create a fresh mame.ini file with "{{{mame -createconfig}}}".
If you upgraded from a previous version of mame, you might have to replace your
rom sets, see the [[https://bit.ly/nBnkIf|Mame FAQ on ROMs]].
== TOOLS ==
MAME utilities like chdman, jedutil, ldresample or ldverify are available in a
separate extra package called DebianPkg:mame-tools.
== PATCH ==
This package uses quilt to manage all modifications to the upstream source.
Changes are stored in the source package as diffs in debian/patches and applied
during the build. See {{{/usr/share/doc/quilt/README.source}}} for a detailed
Backdrop, overlay and bezel artwork can be downloaded from http://mirror.xmission.com/mame/ individually or globally with the following command (provided your artwork search path is {{{$HOME/mame/artwork}}}, which is the default)
wget --no-directories --recursive --directory-prefix $HOME/mame/artwork ftp://mirror.xmission.com/mame/artwork/