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Source: octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
Section: math
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Octave Group <team+pkg-octave-team@tracker.debian.org>
Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
dh-octave (>= 0.5.1)
Standards-Version: 4.3.0
Homepage: https://octave.sourceforge.io/fuzzy-logic-toolkit/
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-octave-team/octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit.git
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-octave-team/octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-octave
Rules-Requires-Root: no
Package: octave-fuzzy-logic-toolkit
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${octave:Depends}
Description: fuzzy logic toolkit for Octave
The Octave Fuzzy Logic Toolkit is a toolkit for Octave, a scientific
computation software, that provides a large MATLAB compatible subset
of the functionality of the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox as well as
many extensions. The toolkit includes functions that enable the user
to build, modify, and evaluate Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs) from
the command line and from Octave scripts, read/write FISs to/from
files, and produce graphical output of both the membership functions
and the FIS outputs.
This Octave add-on package is part of the Octave-Forge project.