File: paraview-python.lintian-overrides

package info (click to toggle)
paraview 5.4.1%2Bdfsg4-3.1
  • links: PTS, VCS
  • area: main
  • in suites: buster
  • size: 218,616 kB
  • sloc: cpp: 2,331,508; ansic: 322,365; python: 111,051; xml: 79,203; tcl: 47,013; yacc: 4,877; java: 4,438; perl: 3,238; sh: 2,920; lex: 1,908; f90: 748; makefile: 273; pascal: 228; objc: 83; fortran: 31
file content (4 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 175 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (5)
# These embedded libraries, seems, have different versions than in repository.
# The code is incompatible with repo-versions.
paraview-python: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath