1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
#$Id: Makefile.1,v 1.52 2001/07/12 01:27:20 guenther Exp $
all: bins mans recommend
@echo If you would like to inspect the results before running make \
@echo All installable files can be found in the new/ subdirectory.
@$(SHELL) -c "exit 0"
.PRECIOUS: Makefile
help target targets:
@sed "/^##*\*#$$/,/^##*\*#$$/ !d" <Makefile
bins: autoconf.h config.check src/Makefile
cd src; $(MAKE) $(NBINS)
mans: autoconf.h config.check man/Makefile
cd man; $(MAKE) $(NMANS)
autoconf.h: src/Makefile src/autoconf
cd src; $(MAKE) ../$@
procmail: autoconf.h config.check src/Makefile man/Makefile
cd src; $(MAKE) ../new/$@ ../new/mailstat
cd man; $(MAKE) ../new/$@.1 ../new/$@rc.5 ../new/$@ex.5 ../new/$@sc.5
mailstat: procmail
formail lockfile: autoconf.h config.check src/Makefile man/Makefile
cd src; $(MAKE) ../new/$@
cd man; $(MAKE) ../new/$@.1
setid multigram: autoconf.h config.check src/Makefile man/Makefile
cd src; $(MAKE) $@
config.check: config.h
echo Housekeeping file >$@
@-if $(FGREP) -n -e '`' config.h $(DEVNULL) | $(FGREP) -v EOFName ; \
then \
echo;echo ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ WARNING ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^';\
echo ' * Having backquotes in there could be unhealthy! *';\
echo;fi;exit 0
recommend: autoconf.h src/Makefile
@cd src; $(MAKE) $@
@echo ================================================================\
@if $(FGREP) CF_no_procmail_yet autoconf.h >$(DEVNULL); \
then echo If you are a system administrator you should consider \
integrating procmail; echo into the mail-delivery system -- for advanced \
functionality, speed AND; echo SECURITY "--. For" more information about \
this topic you should look in the; echo examples/advanced file.; elif \
grep 'Mlocal.*procmail.*F=[a-zA-Z]*u' >$(DEVNULL) ; then \
echo The recommendation for the sendmail.cf entry of procmail has \
changed.; echo I suggest you remove the '`u'"'"-flag 'like in:'; echo ; \
sed -n 's/.*\(Mlocal.*procmail.*F=[a-zA-Z]*\)u/\1/p' `if test -f \
/etc/sendmail.cf; then echo /etc/sendmail.cf; else \
echo /usr/lib/sendmail.cf; fi`; fi
@echo \
"Also, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (type 'make install-suid' to execute it):"
@src/$@ $(BINDIR)/procmail $(BINDIR)/lockfile >suid.sh
@src/$@ $(BINDIR)/procmail $(BINDIR)/lockfile
@echo ================================================================\
suid.sh: recommend
install-suid: suid.sh install.bin
@cat suid.sh
@$(SHELL) ./suid.sh
@cd $(BINDIR); echo Installed in $(BINDIR); ls -l $(BINSS)
$(MANS): mans
$(BINS): bins
install.man: $(MANS) $(BASENAME)
@-$(MKDIRS) $(MANDIR) 2>$(DEVNULL); exit 0
@-test -d $(MAN1DIR) || $(RM) $(MAN1DIR); exit 0
@-$(MKDIRS) $(MAN1DIR) 2>$(DEVNULL); exit 0
@-test -d $(MAN5DIR) || $(RM) $(MAN5DIR); exit 0
@-$(MKDIRS) $(MAN5DIR) 2>$(DEVNULL); exit 0
@chmod 0644 $(MANS)
@for a in $(MANS1S); \
do $(INSTALL) new/$$a.1 $(MAN1DIR)/$$a.$(MAN1SUFFIX) || exit 1; \
if test "X$(MANCOMPRESS)" != "X"; \
then $(MANCOMPRESS) -c new/$$a.1 >$(MAN1DIR)/$$a.$(MAN1SUFFIX); \
else :; fi; \
@for a in $(MANS5S); \
do $(INSTALL) new/$$a.5 $(MAN5DIR)/$$a.$(MAN5SUFFIX) || exit 1; \
if test "X$(MANCOMPRESS)" != "X"; \
then $(MANCOMPRESS) -c new/$$a.5 >$(MAN5DIR)/$$a.$(MAN5SUFFIX); \
else :; fi; \
echo Housekeeping file >install.man
install.bin: $(BINS) $(BASENAME)
@-$(MKDIRS) $(BINDIR) 2>$(DEVNULL); exit 0
@chmod 0755 $(BINS)
@-dirname / >$(DEVNULL) || $(INSTALL) examples/dirname $(BINDIR)
echo Housekeeping file >install.bin
@$(MAKE) install.man install.bin
@cd $(BINDIR); echo Installed in $(BINDIR); ls -l $(BINSS)
@cd $(MAN1DIR); echo Installed in $(MAN1DIR); ls -l $(MANS1)
@cd $(MAN5DIR); echo Installed in $(MAN5DIR); ls -l $(MANS5)
@$(MAKE) recommend
@echo ============================= Deinstalling the procmail package.
@$(RM) install.man install.bin
@echo ============================= Checking if everything was removed:
@-cd $(BINDIR); $(RM) $(BINSS); ls -l $(BINSS); exit 0
@-cd $(MAN1DIR); $(RM) $(MANS1); ls -l $(MANS1); exit 0
@-cd $(MAN5DIR); $(RM) $(MANS5); ls -l $(MANS5); exit 0
@echo ============================= Ready.
clean: config.check
-for a in $(SUBDIRS); do cd $$a; $(MAKE) $@; cd ..; done; exit 0
cd SmartList; $(RM) targetdir.h targetdir.tmp install.list asked.patch
$(RM) $(MANS) $(BINS) install.man install.bin suid.sh _Makefile \
*core* autoconf.h.tmp
realclean: clean _init
$(RM) config.check
-for a in $(SUBDIRS); do $(MV) $$a/Makefile.init $$a/Makefile; done; \
exit 0
veryclean clobber: realclean
sed -e '/^# Makefile.1 - mark/,$$ d' <Makefile >_Makefile
cat Makefile.0 >>_Makefile
$(MV) _Makefile Makefile
$(RM) Makefile.0
man/Makefile: man/Makefile.0 Makefile
src/Makefile: src/Makefile.0 Makefile
man/Makefile src/Makefile Makefile: Makefile.1 initmake
sed -e '/^# Makefile.1 - mark/,$$ d' <Makefile >_Makefile
cat Makefile.0 >>_Makefile
$(MV) _Makefile Makefile
$(RM) Makefile.0
$(HIDEMAKE) init
init makefiles Makefiles makefile: man/Makefile src/Makefile