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export PYBUILD_NAME=elastic-transport
--ignore=tests/test_otel.py \
-k 'not test_async_transport_httpbin \
and not test_httpbin \
and not test_simple_request \
and not test_node \
and not test_ssl_assert_fingerprint \
and not test_assert_fingerprint_in_cert_chain \
and not test_default_headers \
and not test_custom_headers \
and not test_custom_user_agent \
and not test_head \
and not test_debug_logging \
and not test_debug_logging_uncompressed_body \
and not test_debug_logging_no_body \
and not test_debug_logging_error \
and not test_supported_tls_versions \
and not test_unsupported_tls_versions \
and not test_ca_certs_with_verify_ssl_false_raises_error \
and not test_uncompressed_body_logged \
and not test_failed_request_logs \
and not test_threading_test \
export PYBUILD_AFTER_INSTALL= rm -fr {destdir}/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/elastic_transport-*/top_level.txt
BUILD_DATE = $(shell LC_ALL=C date -u "+%d %B %Y" -d "@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)")
SPHINXOPTS := -N -D html_last_updated_fmt="$(BUILD_DATE)"
dh $@ --buildsystem=pybuild
PYTHONPATH=. sphinx-build $(SPHINXOPTS) -b html docs/sphinx build/html