File: DefineOptions.cmake

package info (click to toggle)
qlandkartegt 1.8.1%2Bds-7
  • links: PTS, VCS
  • area: main
  • in suites: stretch
  • size: 34,776 kB
  • ctags: 9,728
  • sloc: cpp: 137,036; ansic: 712; xml: 527; perl: 361; sh: 215; makefile: 58; python: 29
file content (3 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 155 bytes parent folder | download | duplicates (7)
option(WITH_LOG4C "Build csync without log4c" ON)
option(UNIT_TESTING "Build with unit tests" OFF)
option(MEM_NULL_TESTS "Enable NULL memory testing" OFF)