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Description: fix accessibility on XCB when running as root
Accessibility actually works when running applications as root, but we
would never properly connect, since the enabledChanged signal would be
emitted from the constructor in this case. So after connecting the
signal, check the value by hand to make sure not to miss the
Only applications running as root would be affected, because all other
applications would go through the asynchronous pattern of getting the
bus address from dbus instead.
Origin: upstream, https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/commit/?id=db346e711c9af505
Bug: https://bugs.debian.org/1033995
Last-Update: 2023-04-15
@@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ QSpiAccessibleBridge::QSpiAccessibleBrid
dbusConnection = new DBusConnection();
connect(dbusConnection, SIGNAL(enabledChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(enabledChanged(bool)));
+ // Now that we have connected the signal, make sure we didn't miss a change,
+ // e.g. when running as root or when AT_SPI_BUS_ADDRESS is set by hand.
+ // But do that only on next loop, once dbus is really settled.
+ QTimer::singleShot(
+ 0, this, [this]{
+ if (dbusConnection->isEnabled())
+ enabledChanged(true);
+ });
void QSpiAccessibleBridge::enabledChanged(bool enabled)