1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
qtchooser (63-g13a3d08-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Add information about bootstrapping to README.Debian.
* New upstream git snapshot.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Disable qtbase5-dev build-dependency on stage1 profile to break the
dependency loop between qtbase-opensource-src and qtchooser.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Thu, 10 Nov 2016 12:29:34 -0300
qtchooser (58-gfab25f1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream git snapshot.
* Drop obsolete Breaks/Replaces on pre-Jessie packages.
* Ship configuration for Qt 4 and Qt 5 in this package (see #818536).
* Use canonical Vcs fields.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
* Add myself to Uploaders.
* Remove debian/README.source which contained outdated info.
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* New upstream git snapshot.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Sun, 22 May 2016 11:49:04 -0300
qtchooser (52-gae5eeef-2) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Drop enable-tests.patch, instead just specify path to qmake
as a make variable in debian/rules.
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Upload to unstable.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Thu, 25 Jun 2015 19:02:08 -0300
qtchooser (52-gae5eeef-1) experimental; urgency=medium
* New upstream git snapshot.
* Do not mention qtx-default packages in the long description. We don't want
people to use them to build packages.
* Refresh enable-tests.patch.
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes required.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Tue, 10 Feb 2015 20:07:33 -0300
qtchooser (47-gd2b7997-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Re-enable tests.
* Update enable-tests.patch to properly find qt5's qmake, as we don't have
qtchooser available yet ;)
* Do not suggest qt[4 5]-default anymore. They produce more harm than what
they solve.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:15:28 -0300
qtchooser (47-gd2b7997-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream git snapshot.
* Remove Add-qmlimportscanner-qtpaths.patch, applied upstream.
* Tests now require Qt5.
- Refresh enable-tests.patch to use Qt5.
- Build depend upon qtbase5-dev instead of libqt4-dev, but leave it
commented so arm64 and ppc64el don't need to bootstrap it.
I ran the tests and worked flawlessly, they will get re-enabled on
the next upload.
- Do not run the tests for this upload.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:19:39 -0300
qtchooser (39-g4717841-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Add a patch from Daniel Schepler to allow easier bootstraping of qtchooser
(Closes: #738658).
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Tue, 11 Feb 2014 13:52:42 -0300
qtchooser (39-g4717841-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Make qtchooser Multi-Arch: foreign.
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Backport Add-qmlimportscanner-qtpaths.patch to support qmlimportscanner
and qtpaths (Closes: #735599).
* Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes required.
* Override dh_auto_test and simply run make check. Somehow dh_auto_test is
not detecting the check rule.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:18:53 -0300
qtchooser (39-g4717841-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Remove ensure_harcoded_paths_are_found.patch, applied upstream.
* Refresh enable-tests.patch.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Tue, 17 Dec 2013 12:21:34 -0300
qtchooser (31-g980c64c-5) unstable; urgency=low
[ Pino Toscano ]
* Raise priority from extra to optional, since it is required by other
"optional" packages.
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Backport ensure_harcoded_paths_are_found.patch. This patch allows
developers to avoid using the distro provided configuration by setting
without loosing the distro defined configurations (Closes: #726989).
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Mon, 09 Dec 2013 18:42:33 -0300
qtchooser (31-g980c64c-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Switch back to B-D on libqt4-dev and re-enable the tests.
Also add README.source to let people know how to bootstrap qtchooser.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Thu, 20 Jun 2013 19:52:42 -0300
qtchooser (31-g980c64c-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Some archs decided to build Qt 4.8.4 before qtchooser, thus making
it unbuildable. To solve this, we remove the B-D on libqt4-dev
and disable the tests just for this upload.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Fri, 24 May 2013 13:25:17 -0300
qtchooser (31-g980c64c-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Release to unstable.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Fri, 24 May 2013 11:02:23 -0300
qtchooser (31-g980c64c-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream release.
* Improve debian/watch (Thanks Pino!).
* Remove patches applied upstream:
- create-a-system-default-path.patch.
- fix-PATH_MAX.diff.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Sat, 18 May 2013 19:50:37 -0300
qtchooser (26-3) experimental; urgency=low
[ Pino Toscano ]
* Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser headers.
* Append the CPPFLAGS to the CXXFLAGS, as qtchooser's build system uses only
the latter.
* Export the LDFLAGS as LFLAGS, as qtchooser's build system uses only the
* Drop the own copy of qtchooser.1 and use the upstream version.
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Add a three possible paths for configs. In this way:
- We can add arch-triplet qualified configs.
- We can install arch-specific configs.
- We avoid FTBFS of Qt4 packages already in the archive without the need to
patch debhelper for this.
- Tools like qdbus will fallback to the Qt4 version even if qt4-default is
not installed.
Apps wanting to use Qt5's qdbus should explicitly call it with -qt=qt5.
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Mon, 13 May 2013 17:20:15 -0300
qtchooser (26-2) experimental; urgency=low
[ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
* Fix missing BSD-3-clause license missing in debian/copyright. Thanks
Ansgar Burchardt for noticing it!
[ Pino Toscano ]
* Fix build on Hurd (patch fix-PATH_MAX.diff).
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Mon, 01 Apr 2013 19:44:06 -0300
qtchooser (26-1) experimental; urgency=low
[ Timo Jyrinki ]
* Initial release. (Closes: #696687)
* Proposed upstream patch:
- create-a-system-default-path.patch
-- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <lisandro@debian.org> Sun, 24 Mar 2013 13:55:31 -0300