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# imap-next ð“…Ÿ
%%{init: {'theme': 'neutral' } }%%
flowchart LR
imap-types --> imap-codec
imap-codec --> imap-next
imap-next -.-> imap-proxy
imap-next -.-> imap-client
style imap-codec stroke-dasharray: 10 5
style imap-next stroke-width:4px
click imap-types href "https://github.com/duesee/imap-codec/tree/main/imap-types"
click imap-codec href "https://github.com/duesee/imap-codec"
click imap-next href "https://github.com/duesee/imap-next"
click imap-proxy href "https://github.com/duesee/imap-proxy"
click imap-client href "https://github.com/soywod/imap-client"
`imap-next` is a thin sans I/O abstraction over IMAP's distinct protocol flows.
These are literal handling, AUTHENTICATE, and IDLE.
The way these protocol flows were defined in IMAP couples networking, parsing, and business logic.
`imap-next` untangles them, providing a minimal interface allowing sending and receiving coherent messages.
It's a thin layer paving the ground for higher-level client or server implementations.
And it's sans I/O enabling the integration in any existing I/O runtime.
## Lower-level Libraries
`imap-next` uses [`imap-codec`](https://github.com/duesee/imap-codec) internally for parsing and serialization, and
re-exposes [`imap-types`](https://github.com/duesee/imap-codec/tree/main/imap-types).
## Higher-level Libraries
* [`imap-proxy`](https://github.com/duesee/imap-proxy) is an IMAP proxy that gracefully forwards unsolicited responses,
abstracts over literals, and `Debug`-prints messages.
* [`imap-client`](https://github.com/soywod/imap-client) is a methods-based client library with
a `client.capability()`, `client.login()`, ... interface.
## Usage
use std::error::Error;
use imap_next::{
client::{Client, Event, Options},
command::{Command, CommandBody},
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut stream = Stream::insecure(TcpStream::connect("").await?);
let mut client = Client::new(Options::default());
loop {
match stream.next(&mut client).await? {
event => {
if matches!(event, Event::GreetingReceived { .. }) {
let handle = client.enqueue_command(Command::new("A1", CommandBody::login("Al¹cE", "pa²²w0rd")?)?);
loop {
match stream.next(&mut client).await? {
event => println!("{event:?}"),
# License
This crate is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms.
# Thanks
Thanks to the [NLnet Foundation](https://nlnet.nl/) for supporting `imap-next` through
their [NGI Assure](https://nlnet.nl/assure/) program!
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<img alt="NLnet logo" height="100px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8997731/215262095-ab12d43a-ca8a-4d44-b79b-7e99ab91ca01.png"/>
<img alt="Whitespace" height="100px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8997731/221422192-60d28ed4-10bb-441e-957d-93af58166707.png"/>
<img alt="NGI Assure logo" height="100px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8997731/215262235-0db02da9-7c6c-498e-a3d2-7ea7901637bf.png"/>