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A collection of C extension Vim syntax files for
- xlib
- glib
- gio
- gobject
- gdk
- gdk-pixbuf
- gtk+
- atk
- gail
- at-spi
- pango
- cairo
- gimp
- dbus-glib
- libglade
- libgnome
- libgnomecanvas
- libgnomeui
- gtksourceview
- gnome-desktop
- gnome-vfs
- libgsf
- liboil
- libnotify
- librsvg
- libwnck
- gtkglext
- vte
- poppler
- evince
- gconf
- ORBit
The latest version is available
- at vim.org: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1000
- at my pages: http://physics.muni.cz/~yeti/vim/
They are extensions of the standard C syntax highlighting to additional
types, functions, macros, and constants, they are not meant to replace it.
So you should include them in your ~/.vim/after/syntax/c.vim file (see
:h runtimepath for more). An example is provided as c.vim.example.
The xlib.vim file comes from older Gtk+ syntax higlighting files by Hwanjin
Choe (see http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=570).
The others were generated with vim-syn-gen.py script by David Nečas (Yeti)
(see http://physics.muni.cz/~yeti/vim/).
They all allow special handling of deprecated symbols. By default,
deprecated symbols are not highlighted. By setting (e.g.)
:let glib_enable_deprecated = 1
in your vimrc you can enable highlighting of deprecated declarations in glib
as normal symbols. By setting
:let glib_deprecated_errors = 1
you can enable highlighting deprecated glib symbols as Error.
The exact library version from which each syntax file was generated is
included in its metadata.
Copying: I hereby waive any potential rights on the syntax files. I am not
sure whether a list of library symbols can be copyrighted at all. But this
world is full of lawyers with the silliest ideas. The ideal state (which
would solve all copyright problems once for all) would be distribution of the
syntax files directly with the respective libraries, but I do not hope for
Contact: yeti@physics.muni.cz
Happy Vimming!