File: vsmartcard-vpcd.lintian-overrides

package info (click to toggle)
vsmartcard 3.3%2Bdfsg-2
  • links: PTS, VCS
  • area: main
  • in suites: bookworm, bullseye, sid, trixie
  • size: 35,688 kB
  • sloc: javascript: 11,788; ansic: 6,644; python: 5,533; cpp: 3,319; java: 2,056; xml: 650; makefile: 531; sh: 439
file content (2 lines) | stat: -rw-r--r-- 120 bytes parent folder | download
# consequence of the autotools handling libtool
vsmartcard-vpcd: package-has-unnecessary-activation-of-ldconfig-trigger