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Source: wmforkplop
Section: x11
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Varun Hiremath <varun@debian.org>
Uploaders: Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, libgtop2-dev,
libimlib2-dev, libx11-dev, libxext-dev, libxt-dev, quilt
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Homepage: http://hules.free.fr/wmforkplop
Vcs-Svn: https://bollin.googlecode.com/svn/wmforkplop/
Vcs-Browser: http://bollin.googlecode.com/svn/wmforkplop/
Package: wmforkplop
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ttf-dejavu
Description: monitors forking activity and displays top CPU consuming processes
Wmforkplop monitors the forking activity of the kernel and
displays a list of the most CPU consuming processes.
Although primarily aimed at Windowmaker, it will run on any
window manager, either as a dockapp or as a standard X11