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Source: xdg-desktop-portal-kde
Section: kde
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>
Uploaders: Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>
Build-Depends: cmake (>= 3.0~),
debhelper (>= 11~),
extra-cmake-modules (>= 5.50.0~),
libkf5coreaddons-dev (>= 5.50.0~),
libkf5i18n-dev (>= 5.50.0~),
libkf5notifications-dev (>= 5.50.0~),
libkf5wayland-dev (>= 4:5.50.0~),
libkf5widgetsaddons-dev (>= 5.50.0~),
libkf5windowsystem-dev (>= 5.50.0~),
pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.15.18~),
qtbase5-dev (>= 5.11.0~),
Standards-Version: 4.1.3
Homepage: https://cgit.kde.org/xdg-desktop-portal-kde.git/
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/xdg-desktop-portal-kde
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/kde/xdg-desktop-portal-kde.git
Package: xdg-desktop-portal-kde
Architecture: any
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
Provides: xdg-desktop-portal-backend
Description: backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using Qt
xdg-desktop-portal-kde provides a Qt implementation for the
desktop-agnostic xdg-desktop-portal service. This allows sandboxed
applications to request services from outside the sandbox using KDE
GUIs (app chooser, file chooser, print dialog) or using KDE services
(session manager, screenshot provider).