1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
#pragma once
class TimingDeltas;
class Scene;
class Functor: public Serializable
public: virtual vector<std::string> getFunctorTypes(){throw;}
shared_ptr<TimingDeltas> timingDeltas;
Scene* scene;
virtual ~Functor() {};
YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(Functor,Serializable,"Function-like object that is called by Dispatcher, if types of arguments match those the Functor declares to accept.",
((string,label,,,"Textual label for this object; must be a valid python identifier, you can refer to it directly from python.")),
timingDeltas=shared_ptr<TimingDeltas>(new TimingDeltas);
.def_readonly("timingDeltas",&Functor::timingDeltas,"Detailed information about timing inside the Dispatcher itself. Empty unless enabled in the source code and O.timingEnabled==True.")
.add_property("bases",&Functor::getFunctorTypes,"Ordered list of types (as strings) this functor accepts.")
class _DispatchType1,
class _ReturnType,
class _ArgumentTypes
class Functor1D: public Functor,
public FunctorWrapper<_ReturnType, _ArgumentTypes>
typedef _DispatchType1 DispatchType1; typedef _ReturnType ReturnType; typedef _ArgumentTypes ArgumentTypes;
#define FUNCTOR1D(type1) public: std::string get1DFunctorType1(void){return string(#type1);} int checkArgTypes(const shared_ptr<DispatchType1>& arg1){ return (bool)YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<type1>(arg1)?1:0; }
virtual std::string get1DFunctorType1(void){throw runtime_error("Class "+this->getClassName()+" did not use FUNCTOR1D to declare its argument type?"); }
virtual vector<string> getFunctorTypes(void){vector<string> ret; ret.push_back(get1DFunctorType1()); return ret;};
REGISTER_CLASS_AND_BASE(Functor1D,Functor FunctorWrapper);
class _DispatchType1,
class _DispatchType2,
class _ReturnType,
class _ArgumentTypes
class Functor2D: public Functor,
public FunctorWrapper<_ReturnType, _ArgumentTypes>
typedef _DispatchType1 DispatchType1; typedef _DispatchType2 DispatchType2; typedef _ReturnType ReturnType; typedef _ArgumentTypes ArgumentTypes;
#define FUNCTOR2D(type1,type2) public: std::string get2DFunctorType1(void){return string(#type1);}; std::string get2DFunctorType2(void){return string(#type2);}; int checkArgTypes(const shared_ptr<DispatchType1>& arg1, const shared_ptr<DispatchType2>& arg2){ if(YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<type1>(arg1)&&YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<type2>(arg2)) return 1; if(YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<type1>(arg2)&&YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<type2>(arg1)) return -1; return 0; }
virtual std::string get2DFunctorType1(void){throw logic_error("Class "+this->getClassName()+" did not use FUNCTOR2D to declare its argument types?");}
virtual std::string get2DFunctorType2(void){throw logic_error("Class "+this->getClassName()+" did not use FUNCTOR2D to declare its argument types?");}
virtual vector<string> getFunctorTypes(){vector<string> ret; ret.push_back(get2DFunctorType1()); ret.push_back(get2DFunctorType2()); return ret;};
REGISTER_CLASS_AND_BASE(Functor2D,Functor FunctorWrapper);